Minimal Invasive and Non Prep Veneers Smart Smile Design with Veneers
Course Objectives
- Learn the Cornerstones of Smart Smile Design: Evaluation, Design, Provisionalisation
- Managing aesthetic challenges of smile design
- Treatment planning; Philosophy, Strategy, Reality, Problems, Pitfalls, and Possibilities
- To prep or not to prep. Advantages and disadvantages of prepless veneers
- Minimal invasive veneer prep technique
Course Description
We live in an era where Patients are becoming more specific about how they would like their anterior teeth to be restored. Not only are they requesting an aesthetic solution to their dental problems, but also seeking procedures that require “no touching” or “minimally touching” of remaining tooth structures. As we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are smile design principles and rules but patients don’t always want their smile design to be done by rules. In this lecture, we will understand how to customise the smile in a smart way to make the patient and the dentist satisfied and happy. I will include strategies for communicating with the patient and ways of presenting the design to the patient in 3D before the treatment even starts. Photographs and videos will be shown from all the stages.
In this two day course, we will learn:
- Treatment protocols, planning, and workflow from simple to complex cases
- Indications, possibilities, and limitations
- Additive wax-up and mock-up
- Rules of tooth preparation through mock-up
- Minimally Invasive tooth preparation techniques A to Z
- Prepless and Minimum Prep veneers advantages and disadvantages. Which technique to use and when to use?
- Impression making using retraction cords. Conventional and Digital techniques explained
- Provisional restorations
- Video Demonstration On A Patient. Step by step with techniques clearly shown
- Designing the smile, understanding the patient and the patients’ needs. Guiding the treatment protocol according to that
- Aesthetic dentistry tips and tricks. Ceramic materials and their classification, which to choose when
- Laboratory Connection & communication
- Main principles of smile design
- Showing detailed videos of how to plan the smile design
- Laboratory communication and a Laboratory Checklist
- Smile Design parameters, and real-life patient communication tips
- Smile Design Checklist. What to look for and what to avoid
- Internal marketing tips and tips to increase patient acceptance